Sunday, May 10, 2009

Little bit of writer's block

Hello everybody.

I just realized today, how long it's been since I wrote. I do apologize for that.

But I also realized, I haven't really come up with any new topics to write about. I'm hoping to find some inspiration for something soon.

If any of my faithful followers have ideas, please comment on this post and give me your thoughts. Sometime this week, I'll plan on writing something. Part of the problem too, was that my computer crashed about two weeks ago, and it took about a week to fix it.

If you have any ideas, please feel free to let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Here's an idea: you could write about amazon's new Kindle DX and if it will help to revitalize the business of newspapers. People have to pay subscription fees to get access to newspapers on their Kindles.
