Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Newspapers being cut, and now newscasts?

Sorry it's been so long since I wrote.

Continuing with the theme from my last post, I read an article today on about WNBC in New York, which is cutting its 5pm newscast with a "lifestyle and entertainment show."

The change is being made to accomodate viewer trends, which the article cites as including other programming (movies and reruns of "popular shows"), cable TV news and, of course, the Internet.

But, a lifestyle and entertainment show? Isn't daytime TV filled with that kind of programming? Programs such as The View are as commonplace on daytime TV as informercials. I love the Internet and all the other means in which to obtain news; but I'm also an old-fashioned kind of guy who likes to see a good newscast every now and again.

Especially a 5pm newscast - as I've been at work all day and need to get caught up. Sure, after I get home from work, and my timeslot at the gym, I'll hop on Google News and check some news, stocks, and the like; but mostly the time is spent going through a day's worth of email.

I'm used to 5pm newscasts. I'm used to the workday starting early and ending early (I'm a 7 to 3 guy). My guess is that it's probably a safe bet that most New Yorkers are still at the office at 5pm, and work until 6 or later; or are on the subway coming home, and a 5pm newscast wouldn't reach alot of people.

I just think WNBC could have filled the time slot better, than putting in a type of show that is seen almost all day long; who needs another one?

The full article can be read here:

Thanks for reading.

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