Monday, June 27, 2011

Newspapers and TV news...rebounding?

This was quite a surprise: perusing the internet tonight, I came across something that piqued my interest: apparently, newspapers and TV news are making a comeback, according to a recent Gallup poll.

In the last few years, I have only heard how traditional media, like newspapers, have been on a steady decline. So much so, some golden standards in the newspaper industry switched to a Web-only format (i.e.Seattle Post-Intelligencer), and some closed altogether (i.e. Rocky Mountain News).

With all the advances in technology, cell phones, iPads, Kindle, print newspapers were all but dead. Of course, I'm still an old-fashioned kind of guy, and I still like my printed edition of the newspaper every once in a while.

A blog called Hot Air noted that the increase in confidence wasn't substantial; but that the increase was at least noticeable enough for Gallup to make a news item out of it.

Let's not get too excited though, the findings appear to have a political undertone to them. There doesn't seem to be any age demographic noted for the increase. The only age group that Hot Air mentions is the 18-29-year-old demographic; but, the problem there is that confidence in newspapers declined 10 points with that age group.

Hot Air also notes that the uptick in newspaper confidence seems to be with Democrats. Conversely, conservative Republicans still remain wary of both media.

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